
Pronator quadratus muscle
Flexor carpi radialis tendon
Flexor retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament) (
Flexor digitorum profundus tendons (2, 3, 4, 5)
Tendinous sheath of flexor pollicis
longus (radial bursa)
Fascia of adductor pollicis muscle
Thenar space
(deep to flexor tendon
and 1st lumbrical muscle)
Anular and cruciform parts
(pulleys) of fibrous sheath (over
synovial sheath of finger)
(Synovial) tendon
sheath of finger
Lumbrical muscles in fascial
sheaths (
cut and reflected
Flexor pollicis longus
tendon in tendon
sheath (radial bursa)
flexor sheath
(ulnar bursa)
Flexor digitorum
superficialis tendons
(3, 4 superficial;
2, 5 deep)
Common flexor sheath
(ulnar bursa) (
Lumbrical muscles in
fascial sheaths
Midpalmar space
(deep to flexor tendons
and lumbrical muscles)
Fibrous and synovial (tendon)
sheaths of finger (
Flexor digitorum superficialis tendon
Flexor digitorum
profundus tendon
Common palmar digital
artery and nerve
Lumbrical muscle
in its fascial sheath
Flexor tendons to 5th
digit in common flexor
sheath (ulnar bursa)
Dorsal fascia of hand
Tendinous sheath of flexor pollicis longus (radial bursa)
Septa forming canals
Profundus and superficialis flexor tendons to 3rd digit
Septum between midpalmar and thenar spaces
Thenar space
Extensor pollicis
longus tendon
Adductor pollicis muscle
Palmar interosseous fascia
Palmar interosseous muscles
Dorsal interosseous muscles
Extensor tendons
Midpalmar space
Palmar aponeurosis
Hypothenar muscles
Dorsal interosseous fascia
Dorsal subaponeurotic space
Dorsal subcutaneous space
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